Save world data automatically

It is possible for the control panel to automatically save your world. This will avoid huge loss of data, if your server crashes. This is done by setting up a scheduled task.

  1. Log in to the control panel
  2. Navigate to the server you want the task to run on
  3. Click Scheduled Tasks at the top of the screen
  4. Create a new scheduled task
  5. In Task Type, select Console/RCON Command
  6. In Command to execute, write the following:  save-all
  7. Give your task a name
  8. In Type: you have to chose daily, if you want the task to be run daily
    1. If you want your task to run multiple times a day, you will have to repeat the task
    2. Choose how many minutes there have to be between the execution of the command
    3. Choose for how many hours these commands should be executed in. If you want the script to run all day, choose 24 hours
  9. Click Save and you are done
  • 18 Users Found This Useful
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