Transfer your world to your server

Some of you probably want to use your single player world for your Minecraft server, and some of you may want to use a world from an another server you have had. You can upload this world from your computer to your server without problems.&nbsp;<br /><br /><span style="font-size: large;">Using FTP<br /></span>The easiest way is probably using FTP.<br /><ol>
<li><a href=";id=16">Connect to your servers FTP</a>.</li>
<li>On 'Local site' (left side of FileZilla) you browse to the place where your world is located.</li>
<li>On 'Remote site' (right site of FileZilla) you go to your game servers root.</li>
<li>Drag and drop the world-folder from 'Local site' to 'Remote site'.</li>
<li>Go to&nbsp;<strong>Configuration Files</strong>&nbsp;in the control panel and click&nbsp;<strong>Configuration Editor</strong> next to</li>
<li>In the 'Level Name' field, you type in the name of the folder that you just uploaded. Case sensitive!</li>
<li>Restart your server, and that is it.</li>
</ol><br /><span style="font-size: large;">Using the build-in File Manager</span><br /><ol>
<li>Compress your world folder as a .zip, .rar, .tar, .tar.gz or anything similar using your preferred software (Eg. <a href="">WinRAR</a>).</li>
<li>Login to the <a data-reveal-id="loggedInModal">Control Panel.</a></li>
<li>Browse to the File Manager.</li>
<li>Click 'Upload'.</li>
<li>Browse to the compressed file you just made that contains your world.</li>
<li>Upload the file.</li>
<li>Follow step 5-7 from&nbsp;<strong>Using FTP</strong> above.</li>

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