Admin Commands for ARK

Here you will find some of the commands that you can use as an admin on your ARK server.
You can find the ServerAdminPassword in GameUserSettings.ini under 'Configuration Files' in the control panel.

Command Effect
ShowMyAdminManager Enables the Admin UI
enablecheats <ServerAdminPassword> Logs you in as the administrator
requestspectator <password> Allows anyone with the password to login as a Spectator
cheat enablespectator Destroys your character and puts you into Spectator mode (Used for Whitelisted Admins)
stopspectating Cancels spectating
setcheatplayer true/false enables/disables the cheat menu
cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <Steam64ID> Whitelists the persons Steam ID
cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <Steam64ID> Removes the persons whitelist
cheat SetMessageOfTheDay <message> Sets a message of the day that appears when people join the server
cheat broadcast <message> Broadcasts a message to everyone on the server, and forces their chat window to open
cheat ServerChatToPlayer <"PlayerName"> Sends a private message to the player associated with that name
cheat ServerChatTo <"Steam64ID"> Sends a private message to the player associated with that ID
cheat god Enables godmode, you can not die except you can still drown
cheat fly Allows you to fly
cheat walk Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again
cheat teleport Teleports you to coords 0 0 0 (X Y Z)
cheat teleporttoplayer <id> Teleports to the specificed player, use showmyadminmanager to get the 9 digit number to fill in the <id> field
cheat slomo 5 Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed
cheat playersonly Freezes absolutely everything except players, this even includes crafting
cheat ghost Turns on noclip, you are able to walk through walls and objects
cheat forcetame Instantly tames a dinosaur, you can even ride it without a saddle
cheat forceplayertojointargettribe <id> Forces the player to join the targeted tribe, get the 9 digit id of the player by looking at the connected players in the showmyadminmanager list.
cheat forceplayertojointribe <id> <tribeid> Forces the player to join the tribe, use showmyadminmanager for the required information
cheat giveexptoplayer <id> <how much> <tribeshared> <preventsharing> Gives experience to another player, use showmyadminmanager for the required information. Unable to test currently.
cheat addexperience 1000 0 0 Gives you 1000xp, you can change the value and if you change the second 0 to a 1 it will share the xp among your tribe
cheat giveresources Gives you 50 of all resources
cheat infinitestats Gives you infinite hunger, stamina and infinite ammo
cheat listplayers Shows a list of all players on the server with their SteamID
cheat kickplayer <Steam64ID> Kicks the person from the server
banplayer <Steam64ID> Bans the user from the server
unbanplayer <Steam64ID> Unbans the user from the server
cheat destroyallenemies Destroys all enemies, they respawn eventually. *WARNING* This includes tamed dinos too.
cheat hurtme <amount> Deals x amount of damage to yourself
togglegun Toggles the visibility of your currently equipped weapon/tool
cheat settimeofday <timestring> Changes the time of day, for example cheat settimeofday 12:00
cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0 Allows you to teleport to coords coord map[]
cheat saveworld Saves the current worldstate
cheat quit Exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown
cheat execsetsleeping true/false Puts your character to sleep/wakes them up
cheat enemyinvisible true/false Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them
cheat destroyall <classname> destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures structure list[] dino list[] *WARNING* This includes tamed dinos and all instances of structures
cheat killplayer <id> Immediately kills the player, get the id for the player by opening showmyadminmanager and looking at the 9 digit number next to their name in the connected players list
cheat summon <classname> Summons specified object/dinosaur at your location. A list of all dinosaurs can be found here:dino list[]. This command can also be used to summon structures, structures will be rotated depending on the players viewing direction structure list[]
cheat giveitemnum <ItemID> <QTY> <Quality> <True/False> Gives you an item, the list of items with their ID's can be found here:Item-ID List[] example: giveitemnum 1 1 0 false gives you a primitive simple pistol.
cheat givetome Makes any structure/dino you are currently looking at yours

Know of more commands? Contact us at!

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