We have for a longer period of time wondered why TCAdmin seemed to load rather slow in Google Chrome, but would load normally in other browsers. We tried switching between servers, reinstalling the controle panel, make some adjustments on settings, but nothing helped - some pages continued to load slow, and those of you, who uses the file manager, has been more affected by this than anyone else.

We're now aware that it's a plugin for Google Chrome called AdBlock that is causing the slow load times. AdBlock is a plugin that will block ads on a website (how surprising) if it finds any. In one way or another, AdBlock has a negative effect on the File Manager, and this causes the page to freeze after the data has been loaded.

But what now?... Do I have to delete AdBlock?
Don't worry, you can keep AdBlock. If you deactivate AdBlock on the domain '.game-desk.net:8880/*', the File Manager should load the content without freezing.

We have made a little demonstration in this video:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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